MRE is Innovation

Re-imagining the Diagnostic Power of Touch
Many diseases dramatically change the mechanical properties of previously healthy tissue. This why physicians often employ their sense of touch during physical examination – an ancient technique called palpation – as a powerful way to detect certain diseases like cancer. But this technique is subjective and can only be applied in accessible regions of the body.
Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) is a revolutionary imaging tool that quantitatively depicts the mechanical properties of tissue almost anywhere in the body. With MRE, radiologists can measure changes in tissue stiffness that occur in conditions like fibrosis and cancer, and obtain information painlessly and noninvasively that previously may have required a biopsy.
Ultimately, this means earlier detection and higher chance of successful treatment.

Resounding Innovation
A major application of MRE is in detecting or ruling-out liver damage, called fibrosis, in patients with conditions such as chronic viral hepatitis and fatty liver disease. MRE uses MRI and mechanical vibrations to create color cross-sectional images that vividly display the stiffness of liver tissue. These images provide physicians with a clear indication of the presence or absence of fibrosis in the liver. For many patients, MRE is a more comfortable, less expensive, and reliable alternative to invasive liver biopsy.
Co-developed and licensed exclusively from
Mayo Clinic, MR Elastography is:

In multiple comparative analyses with ultrasound exams or needle biopsy, MRE demonstrates the highest degree of sensitivity and specificity across all levels of liver fibrosis.

MRE gives referring physicians a powerful new option for liver assessment. It is a new tool that provides diagnostic information without the discomfort and risk of complications due to invasive procedure, enabling more frequent evaluation when closer monitoring is needed.

Instead of feeling anxious over an invasive needle biopsy, patients can relax knowing that their liver MRE exam will be completely painless.

A typical MRE exam can be performed in just minutes. With thousands of locations worldwide, MRE is widely available.
Quality is at our core
Our quality assurance system covers everything we do, from product development to distribution, support, and service. Our customer focused system is built on strong processes combined with continuous improvement.
Medical Devices
Our Quality Management System is certified to the EN/ISO 13485:2016 standard and ensures our medical devices and related services consistently meet customer expectations and rigorous industry requirements.
Marketing Authorizations
Europe: the Resoundant Acoustic Driver System is marketed under CE (European conformity) mark device classification IIa in compliance with European directive 93/42/CEE on Medical Devices.
USA: MRE devices are marketed under 510(k) FDA clearance.
Manufacturer Recommendations
The Resoundant MR Elastography system is designed to measure hepatic stiffness in patients with suspected liver diseases on virtually any current 1.5T and 3T MRI scanner with a high degree of accuracy, patient comfort, and technical success.
For 1.5T field strengths, we recommend using the manufacturer's standard gradient-recalled echo (GRE) sequence. At 3T field strengths, we recommend the manufacturer's standard spin-echo echo-planar imaging (SE-EPI) sequence be utilized.
For more information, see: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jmri.26937
QIBA Profile
At Resoundant, we are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care in liver health diagnostics. It is recommended that sites follow the RSNA Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA) profile for MRE acquisitions. This adherence ensures that our systems deliver consistent, harmonized acquisitions across all users, aligning with industry best practices.
You can find the QIBA MRE Profile here: https://qibawiki.rsna.org/images/5/54/MRE-QIBAProfile-2022-02-14-TECHNICALLY-CONFIRMED.pdf